Remedial Massage Thailand
Call now +6685-156-3161
Short-term effects of massage:
increase the blood flow, both in the area being massaged and generally
increase the lymphatic flow to and from the area treated, reducing pain, swelling and inflammation and speeding up the body’s own healing process
relieve stress and tension
increase muscle tone
Long-term effects of Massage:
improved general circulation
balance of muscles and joints, leading to a better state of health
break down of scar or fibrous tissue, restoring elasticity to the joints
improve range of motion
overall relief of stress
prevent the return of injuries
Common conditions often addressed :
sports injuries (strain & sprain)
repetitive injuries
office syndrome (stress and tension of neck, shoulder and lower back)
frozen shoulder
plantar fasciaiitis
joint restriction, muscle tightness and pain and many more . . .